Welcome home!ハケン先生~5月18日の練習会~






















 by A.E.<Vn>



May 18th. The days of the 10th season have passed by so quickly, and including today, we have only two practice sessions left before the performance on the 26th, which is just over a week away. And today, this person has finally returned to our orchestra.

Professor Rudolf Haken

Professor Haken is a world-renowned violist and composer who has performed with our orchestra three times in the past and is prominently featured on our website as a guest lecturer. This time, for our fourth collaboration, we will be performing his well-known “Concerto for Five-String Viola” at our regular concert.

It has been five years since our last performance together before the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019, but he greeted us with the same friendly smile and a wave, saying “Hi!”

The “Concerto for Five-String Viola” is a challenging piece that showcases a variety of American feelings. The new members performing it for the first time look quite anxious. As for me, performing it for the third time, I am still struggling with the same difficult sections, and even the parts I used to play well have become tricky. My anxiety level is higher than the new members.


As soon as we started playing along with Professor Haken’s solo, it was fun! Fun!

The piece transitions through various styles such as country, jazz, and blues, but it is filled with cheerful rhythms and humorous melodies throughout. The groove is excellent from start to finish. The members, drawn into the unique world of the five-string viola, soon forgot about the parts they couldn’t play and got into the groove.

The maestro eventually abandoned conducting and guided Professor Haken to the center. Professor Haken, in turn, encouraged us, bending backward and lifting his instrument like a rock ‘n’ roller. When I wondered where the missing maestro had gone, I found him right behind Professor Haken, bending backward and dancing in sync! You might see synchronized bending during the actual performance. Look forward to it!

Indeed, this piece is so full of swing-inducing melodies that even the maestro couldn’t help but groove. During the long rests, I found myself unconsciously swaying and moving my bow. If you see a member making suspicious movements during a rest, it’s probably me.

So, today’s rehearsal, from the first run-through, was a great success!!

There is no need to worry about not being able to play perfectly. The most important point of this piece is to “have fun and groove.”

However, there were a few points to note. We need to emphasize dynamics. During the blues section, we should not be overly influenced by Professor Haken’s swings and must keep the beat steady on our side. Also, I learned that it’s dangerous to look away from the sheet music when getting too into the groove. In the final movement, “Walpurgis,” the repetitive phrases can make you lose your place if you take your eyes off the music even for a moment. Let’s be careful not to stand out alone at the final pp section.

During a break in the rehearsal, we had a Q&A session with Professor Haken, and there was a good question:

“Why is it called a ‘five-string viola’ instead of a ‘five-string violin’?”

The answer was:

“Because it uses viola strings.”

Ah, the secret to that slightly quirky, charming sound lies there. By the way, the E string is a special order because a violin E string is too short.

In addition to the five-string viola, Professor Haken also plays a six-string violin with an added low F string. I would love to hear that instrument if there’s an opportunity.

With that, the first and last rehearsal of the Haken concerto concluded joyfully.

Now, we have only one practice session left and the dress rehearsal. The performance is just a week away, right in front of us. We’ve done enough practice, so let’s spend this week taking care of our health and be ready to perform at our best.

by A.E. (Violin)